Yueying (Lisa) Li

Yueying (Lisa) Li

Graduate Student in Computer Science

Cornell University



Yueying Li is a PhD student studying the intersection of computer system and machine learning, advised by Prof. Christina Delimitrou and Edward Suh on problems spanning efficient and reliable cloud system. More broadly, I’m interested in system for machine learning and machine learning for system. Specifically, I focus on scheduling policies and mechanisms across different stacks. Last summer I interned at Microsoft Research on automated anomaly detection and root cause analysis for cloud services, and a summer before that, I did research on designing new scheduling abstractions for microservice applications with Intel Labs. I am also a keen observer on recent ML and RL papers, and I also have the fortune to work with Yuandong Tian on efficient planning offline RL; Robbert Van Renesse and Lorenzo on distributed shared log.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer System, Computer Architecture
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Visiting PhD in CSAIL, 2023

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • PhD in Computer Science, 2020

    Cornell University

  • BSc in Computer Engineering, Minor in Math (Highest Honors), 2017

    University of Michigan

  • BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2015

    Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Recent News

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[9/7/24] [Workshop] Presented “Towards Carbon-efficient LLM Life Cycle” at HotCarbon!

[13/6/24] [Workshop] Presented FastAgent, an agent scheduling framework on behalf of the team. Thanks to all the authors for the hard work at Compound AI System Workshop!

[1/6/24] [Paper] Congrats to all the authors for the work on JoinGym accepted at RLC 2024!

[19/5/24] [Mentorship] Congrats Alan on a successful presentation of Characterization of Retry Policy in Microservices in MIT PRIMES Annual Conference!

[5/3/24] [Paper] Presented LibPreemptible in HPCA in Edinburgh. Looking forward to catching up with friends and meeting new people in the community!

[23/03/23] [Award] Ditto Selected as IEEE Micro Top Pick!

[10/1/24] [Talk] Talks at Tsinghua IIIS, UCF, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Thank you for the inspiring discussions and the warm welcome!

Selected Awards

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Departmental Fellowship (Cornell University), 2020

Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai, 2019

GSFEI Top Scholar Recruitment Award (University of Washington), 2019

University Honors, Dean’s List (All semesters) (University of Michigan)

Marian Sarah Parker Prize Nominee, EECS Dept of UM, 2019

Meritorious Winner, Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2018

Tang Junyuan Scholarship (2/279)

National Scholarship (2%), 2017

Intern Experience

Microsoft Research
Research Intern
Microsoft Research
Jun 2022 – Present Remote

Responsibilities include:

  • Cloud efficiency group
  • Machine learning modeling and system deployment
Intel Labs
Research Intern
Intel Labs
Jun 2021 – Dec 2021 Remote

Responsibilities include:

  • System and software research group - performance optimization and tracing
  • New architecture feature exploration
ASIC Design Engineer
Aug 2019 – Aug 2020 Cupertino, CA

Responsibilities include:

  • Architecture exploration with new ISA simulator
  • Working on apple matrix engine and memory compression engine


Artifact Evaluation Committee, MLSys 2023, ASPLOS 2022

Reviewer, Machine Learning Journal - Reinforcement Learning for Real Life

ISCA Undergrad Architecture Mentoring (uArch) Workshop Mentor, 2022

CALM Founding Committee, Computer Architecture Student Association (CASA) Steering Committee

Women in Systems Podcast and Student at Systems, Founding Members

Cornell CS PhD Admission Student Reviewer, 2022

NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Workshop at Women@Apple, Panel Leader, 2020

IEEE Student Branch at U of Michigan, Board Member and Department Relation Chair, 2018

Michigan China Forum 2018 Mobility Panel, Panel Chair, 2018

Recent Publications

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(2022). Autocat, Reinforcement learning for automated exploration of cache-timing attacks. HPCA 2023.

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(2022). Efficient Planning in a Compact Latent Action Space. ICLR 2023.

PDF Cite Code Project

(2022). Ditto: End-to-End Application Cloning for Networked Cloud Services. ASPLOS 2023.


(2022). STAMP: Lightweight TEE-Assisted MPC for Efficient Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning. Arxiv (In submission).

PDF Cite
