**[9/7/24]** [Workshop] Presented "Towards Carbon-efficient LLM Life Cycle" at [HotCarbon](https://www.sigarch.org/call-contributions/hotcarbon-2024/)!
**[13/6/24]** [Workshop] Presented FastAgent, an agent scheduling framework on behalf of the team. Thanks to all the authors for the hard work at [Compound AI System Workshop](https://sites.google.com/view/compound-ai-systems-workshop/home)!
**[1/6/24]** [Paper] Congrats to all the authors for the work on [JoinGym](https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.11704) accepted at RLC 2024!
**[19/5/24]** [Mentorship] Congrats Alan on a successful presentation of Characterization of Retry Policy in Microservices in MIT PRIMES Annual Conference!
**[5/3/24]** [Paper] Presented [LibPreemptible](https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.02896) in HPCA in Edinburgh. Looking forward to catching up with friends and meeting new people in the community!
**[23/03/23]** [Award] [Ditto](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3575693.3575751) Selected as IEEE Micro Top Pick!
**[10/1/24]** [Talk] Talks at Tsinghua IIIS, UCF, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Thank you for the inspiring discussions and the warm welcome!
**[23/10/23]** [Mentorship] Our PRIMES mentees finished their project on using RL for serverless resource management. Congrats to Alan and Even! [Report](https://math.mit.edu/research/highschool/primes/materials/2023/Song-Lazarev-Gohil-Li.pdf)
**[3/10/23]** [Poster] Presented my earlier work in [ACE center](https://acecenter.grainger.illinois.edu/) meeting at UIUC. Thank you for the initiative and for the inspiring discussions with the faculty and students in UIUC!
**[29/09/23]** [Poster] Presented a poster on [MIT Cloud and AI workshop](https://www.industry-academia.org/mit-2023.html) on automating configuration search for data ingestion pipelines.
**[23/09/23]** [Grant] Our group received an ACCESS Discovery Allocation Award from the NSF in advanced computing infrastructure to support my proposal titled "Democratizing Reliable Large Language Model Serving Systems". Thank you, NSF!
**[01/05/23]** [Paper]Congrats Zhengyao for successfully presenting our work on TAP in ICLR 2023!
**[01/04/23]** [Paper] New first-author work on using offline RL to tackle metastable failures in distributed system got accepted at ICLR Tiny. Thanks all the amazing collaborators and look forward to more practical agendas on RL for systems.
**[28/11/22]** [Award] Awarded [WiML travel grant](https://sites.google.com/view/wiml2022/logistics?authuser=0) for NeurIPS 2022. First-time attendee to share work on ML for Cloud Monitoring. Thank you very much for the inspirational experience!
**[01/10/22]** [Service] Co-organized the [JOBS workshop](https://sites.google.com/cornell.edu/jobs-micro-2022/) at MICRO-55. Check out the career advices from academia and industry.
**[28/08/22]** [Presentation] Presented my internship findings in MSR. Thank you very much for the nice intern experience!
**[28/06/22]** [Service] Co-organized [CASA Summer DEI reading group](https://www.sigarch.org/casa-summer-reading-group/), and initiated datacenter reading group. Please feel free to message me for more information.